John O’Connell Featured in Wealth Solutions Report on Client Liabilities Management for Advisors

CEO John O'Connell was featured in this article from Wealth Solutions Report that covers a white paper he co-authored with Sora Finance and Joel Bruckenstein of T3 Technology Tools for Today, titled "Unlocking Growth Opportunities: The Case for Liability Management in High Net Worth and Ultra High Net Worth Client Portfolios".

Unlocking Success: Key Considerations for Selecting the Perfect Technologies for your Wealth Management Firm

Wealth management firms are grappling with an increasing demand for transparency, personalization, and efficiency. To navigate these demands, they rely on a robust set of technology solutions, more commonly referred to as their technology stack.

The WealthStack Podcast by The Future of Investing with John O’Connell

In this episode of The WealthStack Podcast by, Shannon Rosic speaks with John O’Connell on the future of investing, why advisors need to stay on top of AI trends, and more.

3 Inflection Points that Help Your Business Grow

Flourish Studios created an animated bar chart titled the Biggest Fast Food Chains in the World 1971-2019 (Stores)1. The animation is an incredible view into a changing industry. The animation is interesting, but the stories behind some of the rapid growth spurts that you see in the animation are even more interesting. In this post...