Insights From The Oasis Group

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Financial Services Leaders

Gain valuable information about how to effectively select technologies, deliver successful implementation projects, and manage large-scale technology transformations.

Access our latest AI WealthTech Map to see the top artificial intelligence solutions for the wealth management industry!

Adapting to Technological Change: A CTO’s Perspective – CTO Think Tank White Paper on

Access an insightful white paper for wealth management firms, CTOs, and technology leaders, housing insights from the CTO Think Tank hosted by The Oasis Group and at the 2024 Wealth Management EDGE Conference.

How To Protect Your Wealth Management Firm and Your Clients in Face of the AT&T Data Breach

Data breaches pose new threats for wealth management firms to recognize malicious activity on client accounts and impersonation attempts by bad actors through deep fakes. In this article, we examine the recent AT&T data breach and share how you can advise your clients and staff to protect your client’s investments.

AI WealthTech Map: The Oasis Group’s Vantage Point on AI Wealth Technology

Access The Oasis Group's AI WealthTech Map, a resource that financial advisors and wealth management firms can use to find leading artificial intelligence solutions and AI-focused firms serving the wealth management industry. The map follows the sales cycle of a wealth manager, identifying and categorizing 55 leading technology firms.