John O’Connell Published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi: The AT&T Data Breach: How Advisors Can Protect Their Firm and Their Clients

The Oasis Group CEO John O’Connell wrote this bylined article that was published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi, where he discusses the recent set of data breaches at AT&T and what the implications are for wealth management firms.

John O’Connell Published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi: Cybersecurity Guidance for Financial Advisors

The Oasis Group CEO John O’Connell wrote this bylined article that was published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi, where he outlines key steps and best practices financial advisors should take to become trusted advisors in the realm of cybersecurity.

John O’Connell Featured in Financial Planning Magazine on Tech Vendor Relationships

The Oasis Group CEO John O’Connell was featured in an article in Financial Planning Magazine on relationships with tech vendors, discussing data sharing, cybersecurity, how to end a relationship, how to navigate contracts, and more.

John O’Connell Published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi: The Strategic Imperative of Appointing a Chief Growth Officer

The Oasis Group CEO John O’Connell wrote this bylined article that was published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi, where he elaborates on how a Chief Growth Officer differs from a CMO and shares why your wealth management firm needs a CGO to spark organic growth.