Cybersecurity Guidance for Financial Advisors: Protecting Your Clients and Their Assets

In today's digital age, financial advisors have more responsibilities than ever before. Beyond providing sound financial advice and investment strategies, modern financial advisors must also help their clients navigate the perilous waters of cybersecurity.

How to Store, Secure, and Use Your Data For a Competitive Edge

For two decades, T3 has been the go-to destination for financial services professionals, financial planners, and investment advisors across the country. This year, John O'Connell, CEO of The Oasis Group, was honored to celebrate T3's 20th anniversary on the main stage with T3 President, Joel Bruckenstein. In case you missed it, John's talk took a deep...

The Dangers of Disparate Data: Leveraging Technology to Consolidate Sensitive Information, Maintain Compliance and Better Protect Your Firm

Why do so many RIAs have compliance data stored in different places? From HR to planning software to client documents on shared drives, disparate data can be perilous from both a cybersecurity and a compliance standpoint. As cyber threats evolve along with regulations regarding cybersecurity policies, RIAs need to take action to maintain compliance and better...

John O’Connell Published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi: Every Wealth Manager Needs to Know About MOVEit

The Oasis Group CEO John O’Connell wrote this bylined article that was published in Advisor Perspectives by VettaFi, where he discusses the details of the MOVEit breach and how it affected the clients of every wealth manager in America. He also shares steps that wealth management firms can take to protect their firm, employees, and...

Every Wealth Manager Needs to Know About MOVEit

The MOVEit breach effects the clients of every wealth manager in America. This article not hyperbole or written to scare the reader. This article will cover: Defining the breach in executive terms, the meaning of the breach to your clients and your firm, the steps you can recommend for your clients today, and the steps...

Why You Should Not Use Your Company Email for Personal Purposes

Do you use your company email for personal purposes? If so, you may want to think twice. Your employer owns the servers and the emails that are stored in them, which means they can be accessed by your employer at any time. This could lead to serious consequences if you are not careful with what...